5 Braces Mistakes That You Need to Avoid
Posted on March 11, 2021

bSuccessful braces treatment can be a life-changing moment. One in every five American adults is not proud of their smile. Malocclusions can take a huge blow to one’s self-image, often avoiding to smile, laugh or enjoy social gatherings. No wonder some 4 million Americans are wearing braces today. Central Florida orthodontics can help straighten your teeth, improve your oral hygiene and boost your self-confidence. It is not unheard of for patients to make mistakes during treatment. While some lapses are purely superficial, others can be costly in the long run. Read on to find out five common braces mistakes and how to avoid them.
1. Getting Braces From General Dentists
You may find it convenient to order your low-cost braces from your family dentist. However, it may not be the best option for you. While all orthodontists are dentists, not all dentists are orthodontists. The best orthodontist attends an extra two-year residency program to equip them with the right skills to fit the aligners for straight teeth. An orthodontist in Orange City is better placed to come up with the correct treatment plan for your bad bites.
2. Neglecting Good Oral Hygiene
You may need to maintain proper dental hygiene, whether on brace treatment or not. However, patients on brace treatment ought to be more vigilant as poor oral health can stall the treatment process. It may lead to tooth decay. halitosis, or tooth discoloration. The best orthodontist recommends brushing your teeth after every meal and flossing at least once daily. If you are not in a position to brush, rinse your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash.
3. Eating Restricted Foods
The best orthodontist in Central Florida may provide you with a list of foods that you may have to ditch during your treatment period. Hard, crunchy, chewy, and sticky foods are often on the restricted list. Hard and crunchy snacks such as nuts and chips can exert excessive pressure on your braces, bending the wires. Sticky foods can hide between the teeth and wires, breeding an ideal environment for plaque and tartar build-up. Follow your orthodontist’s recommendations and keep off the forbidden foods.
4. Not Getting Braces Early
While orthodontics is ideal for all age-groups, waiting for too long can be detrimental to your quest for straight teeth. Braces for adults may take a longer period to achieve their results. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends taking your kid to the orthodontist when you first note an orthodontic issue and not later than seven years. Take the advantage of early orthodontic treatment to get your child a beautiful smile that they will appreciate for years to come.
5. Skipping Orthodontic Appointments
You may have to keep visiting your orthodontist throughout your braces treatment period. The trips to the orthodontic office allow the best orthodontist to analyze the progress of your teeth realignment. They also tighten the brackets and wires to usher you to the next phase of the treatment period. For Invisalign, you get to pick your next set of clear aligners.
Braces provide excellent options for treating bad bites and straightening teeth. Avoiding the five mistakes above can keep you on track and help you ditch the braces faster. For more information on how to take care of your aligners, feel free to contact Best Smiles orthodontics.