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5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Invisalign Aligners

Posted on April 30, 2021

5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Invisalign Aligners

The American Association of Orthodontists estimates that there are over four million Americans wearing braces today. You will need to pay close attention to your teeth during your orthodontic treatment to achieve the desired results. It can also help protect your teeth from discoloration and decay, all while shortening the treatment period. Here are five tips to help you take care of your Invisalign aligners.

1. Strict Adherence to Proper Dental Hygiene

One attractive benefit of Invisalign braces is that you can take them off and enjoy your favorite meals. However, you need to properly brush and floss your teeth to avoid any bacterial build-up in between the plates and your teeth. Be strict with your dental care schedule, preferably brushing your teeth after every meal. Make sure to also floss at least once daily to remove food particles stuck in between the teeth.

2. Clean Your Invisalign Plates Daily

This process to get straight teeth requires keeping your aligners clear, odorless, and free of harmful oral bacteria. Most Invisalign orthodontists recommend taking off your aligners at least once daily and cleaning them with a soft toothbrush and unscented soap. While fluoride toothpaste is excellent for your teeth, it may discolor your clear aligners. The same applies to scented toothpaste. Scented toothpaste can leave an awful taste in your mouth as you keep the aligners in place. Remember to rinse thoroughly after cleaning your mouth and the aligners. However, be mindful of hot water as it can damage the plastic mold.

3. Rinse the Aligners After Taking Them Off

It is impractical in some circumstances to brush your teeth after every meal. Your Invisalign orthodontist may advise that you rinse your mouth with a mouthwash instead. Every time you remove the plates, rinse them under cold running water. The clean, running water will wash away the saliva, bacteria, and food particles stuck in between to avoid reintroducing them to your mouth.

4. Avoid Leaving Your Invisalign Out in the Open

You will have the luxury to take out your aligners to eat, brush your teeth, or play your favorite sport. Always return the clear plates to the protective case that they came in when you are not using them. This will prevent the accumulation of bacteria and dirt on the surface of the aligners. It also minimizes the chances that you will misplace or accidentally break the plates.

5. Soak the Aligners for Deeper Cleaning

Your orthodontist will expect you to have your Invisalign set on for 20-22 hours a day for the treatment to be effective. You can soak the plates in a denture cleaner for two hours for a deeper clean. You can call and schedule with your Central Florida Orthodontist to get Invisalign crystals to soak your aligners in. Only if approved by your orthodontist, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar can also work perfectly. You should rinse the aligners thoroughly after soaking them and before placing them back into your mouth.

Effective orthodontic treatment requires that you listen to your Orthodontist’s instructions and take care of your teeth and aligners for teens and adults. Those five tips should help you keep your Invisalign aligners clean, as well as, maintain proper dental hygiene. For more information on caring for your braces or aligners, reach out to Best Smiles Orthodontics.